Beatty Creek's watershed is in relatively good shape, so the creek is not inherently "flashy." But when a series of damp weeks are followed by a stretch of days in which the rainfall exceeds .1 - .25", the creek swells to the point of overflowing. We are 48 hours into such a stretch, and the creek is running full bore right now.
I am writing this at end of day, January 6th. So far it has rained measurable amounts locally five out those six days. By midnight, the total in the last 24 hours will be right around 1.75". There's more on the way. If the chum had managed to get upstream in November, their hatchlings would be struggling to survive. The color of the water tells you a great deal about the load of suffocating silt the creek is transporting at this moment.
No slack for Beatty Creek this time round the sun.